In a sacred milieu, art is not an option but is essential. Art allows you to play, express, represent, honor, heal, teach, sanctify, encode, and explore ideas.
Thomas Moore, Care of the Soul
Praxis One
Grab a pen and paper. Sit in a place, and close your eyes. Take a few moments to notice the ambient sounds around you. Put pen to paper allowing your hand/pen to the flow and feel the sounds. Do not open your eyes to see until the time is up. Put no expectation on the outcome. Once the exercise is complete, take a moment or a day to focus on what the image represents to you. Allow your creative spirit to name it and write it somewhere on the paper. If you wish to extend this exercise use a pen, or other markers, to add color. Once complete, put your original art somewhere visual to reflect on its meaning for you alone.
If you are really brave, go to my FB community on the homepage (Conversations/ Forum) and upload your image and words.

Praxis Two
Now that we carry camera phones just about everywhere, we have the opportunity to take photo images (as a contemplative/ artistic practice just about anytime.
My suggestion: whenever you experience a solitary moment, observe your surroundings but look slower and deeper than you would normal business of your day. Invariably, something will capture your eye, maybe it is a moment outside, or even inside your home.
Have your camera-phone handy to capture it. The exercise is not about trying to capture a photo image to hang on the wall, but rather an image that invited you to stop, gaze, and wonder. Then, caption the image with a phrase, or sentence that reflects what the image represents in your thoughts/ imagination.
You can use a camera to bring out the interiority, depth, and abiding spirit in anything.

If you are really brave, go to my FB community on the homepage (Conversations/ Forum) and upload your image and words.