Simple musings from an ordinary life

The Socratic Way
Reflect dialogue;
in the flow of logos.
By which you’ll see me.
“Speak, so that I may see you.” Socrates


In this last love, gratitude.
Until it said, “I don’t want to live this way anymore.”
Now remains this longing which no one satisfies;
for it is not to be possessed. Says, the Beloved.

Guest Writer/ Artist: Lynn Ann R.

Free Fall
Here, mortal being,
Shhh! and Woosh! and Om! Bliss untold!
Break open…unbound.

Material and Spiritual
Body and Soul
Fragile as Glass
Resilient as Rock

dis-illusion of depth
I long thought I knew the meanings of a word…silly me.
I am more than my thoughts, more than my feelings, more than my body.
I am enough, …and more.

In this dark night, seat of my soul
Make holy the clay of my feet and hands
Rest thoughts, sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing – in the heart.
Silent consent in Divine Presence and Action
Sings the bowl, to the hearings of this world.
Breathe anew.

I walk the forest
Surrounded by company
A red bird awaits

O Wondrous Vision
Equally of the material body and spiritual soul,
the Spirit dwells among us and grants us a clearer vision.
All in all… in the unity of its nature.
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God”

To Keep Holy
Feet of Clay
Seat of Soul
Primacy of Conscience
Consent in Silence
Night of Senses
Remainder of Life
Mystery of Death
Soul of Other

Reverence for creation in each breath of life

see(k)ing Grace even in decay

…in accordance to the whole

First, ForePlay
Dear Remote,
You are a modern love, …aren’t you?
You made life immeasurably bliss, … Just get inside and press to start.
To say how things changed would take an eternity. I no longer have to reach deep and wrangle those keys from deep in my pocket. No longer a hassle, … to get inside.
Everyone says love is a mystery. Well, ours has it and I cannot begin to say how mysterious it is to find it locked – all on its own.
Hopefully, your mystery will unlock itself one day. I really want to know and understand more deeply. Besides, what greater love is there than to remain open and honest in all things?
Hopefully, its charge will endure and not fail to open doors upon your request. Especially when alone in the dark along our long-lost highway.
Sincerely, …your babe
Dear Eros
We were one, … I thought
but first, the idols have to fall
Now wait in Silence

But honestly, me wonders,
…is there ever sacred eros between human beings?
And if so, why is there such woundedness between woman and man?
Are we unwilling or unable to accept Oneness?
Do we not know and love who we are?
You tell me, …

Bitter True
A Trail of Frailty
All the Moth has Left Behind
Prickly yet Healing
ps. an interpretation
There is beauty in nature and its imagery, beauty in color relationships, beauty in words, their meanings and their symbolisms.
Beauty (with time) when I sat on my back patio just observing (in awe) whatever came before me.
Beauty in the exploration and reflection of such an image and the expressive writing of poetic form.
By this exercise, I learned new things and share it with you (another beautiful):
The root (pun intended) meaning of “aloe vera” means “bitter true.” The root of the word moth can be traced to both the Hebrew and Greek cultures from where the Bible draws a lot of its teachings. The Hebrew term for moth denotes “to fall away” just as the garments eaten fall away. References in scripture can be found in Isaiah 50:9, Hosea 5:12, and Job 4:19 among other verses.
The moth has been used as a symbol of destruction that causes frailty and waste. The adult moth is indirectly harmful. It is when it is in the larval stage that the real destruction of clothes happens.
Pss. From all this, I am able to craft a haiku that at least for me paints an allegory of our beauty and fallen away nature, our path and consequences in life. Along with life’s paradoxical – bitter and prickly truths – when heeded (in spiritual maturity) become a healing salve.

Only This I Want
Expanding Capacity in Love
Passage Through the Heart
Slow Down – Cultivate Space
Hear the Morningbird

A new engagement
A pathway through the forest
Only that which is life-giving

The Next Step a Choice
Listening as Sacred Art
Sacramental Surrender

Sacrament of Surrender
Cooperate in Grace
Surrender Loads too Heavy to Carry

Along the Way
Walking slowly, exploring new trails
Observing and listening as the forest teaches
Delighting in the accompaniment of family and friends
Planting seeds of fruitfulness along the Way
When the eastern light shines bright through the trees
Enter into fullness of joy and grace

Back in March, I had sinus surgery in response to a worsening nasal condition. The results have been wonder-full.
I am breathing unobstructed through my nose for the first time in my life. I can now feel the cool air rushing through the cavities of my sinuses. I hear new sounds – when I breathe. I am beginning to smell with nuance. There is a sense of infancy that arises in me. No longer a mouth breather, I can close my mouth and smile – so much easier.
Last week I wondered, …is this what God feels like?
ps. The above sketch and Haiku was a grateful gift to my ENT

The One Thing I Know for Certain

Today I think about tomorrow
Tomorrow comes, my illusion shatters
A deeper truth awakens – once again I am taught
I do not own tomorrow – never did
Painful Yes, but give me truth over fantasy – any day

Some call it a weed
Some call it a flower
I call it a blessing
and send it to you

Late Bloomer
There was a guy
With eyes blue sky
Now old and folly
From two wives who knew not jolly
Bye and bye sweet alibi

Giver of divine image and likeness,
open mind, heart, and soul
so the child can play.

Monet’s Magpie
No longer ignoring what is freely given
Takes heed and flies beyond
Seeking greater warmth in deeper Silence

My love
My love exist between fantasy and truth.
“I’ll love you if you’ll love me.
The answer is never enough.
Divine Love never asked for me to Love back.
Yet, I am here being held in Love.
What can I return to the One who abides in me,
but consent and trust.
(My greatest earthly Joy has always been my children and now grandchildren. And, it is within this gift do I give and receive love in life. I am grateful to the “Gift-Giver.”)

Intense old man, away in the cellar dark.
Treasure a tiny space every now and then
Absent thoughts and consolation

I stand at my window with camera at bay
waiting on goldfinches to lighten my day.
Without delay there come my pray
A whole nother array showing up to play.

A Warrior’s Sword
By whose arsenal it lay,
double-edged to protect or maim
Or was I not listening deep enough?
As if listening mattered.

The Church is a “communion of saints”
In being open and vulnerable in the sharing of our true self, we enter a deep intimacy, …as a communion of holy persons.
This agape, …our communion of souls is the very best of meeting places for humanity. And for me, the incarnate and deepest meaning of Church, “on earth as it is in heaven.”
Waking this early morning, thinking of this, brings tears.

Mother of Tenderness
What does the loving glance of a mother holding her infant child speak, …but that startling glow of Grace.
What do the eyes of the child return, …but the gift of its Soul.
Who cannot see the halo bright and warm, …as the moon’s glow?

I wouldn’t even say “Pa Caun”
No Eyes, No Ears
No Tongue, No Heart
Hiding within its shell
Not far from its mother-tree

Anxiety objectified.
To find its root, its powerlessness, go to the desert.
Not the desert of another but that of your own.
There you will find your intervention.

For training wheels and guiding hands
Even the fall, …for what greater fall avoided?
To no longer need
Still! …beware the bark of the Oak
Alleluia comes the day
No wheels required

Lost in Space
Reach its outer edge and look back.
What do you see?
What do you think?
” A little more than nothing”

Gore me if you must,
for once you’ve had your play
my soul will shake loose
retaining its reward of sweet nectar.

And who do you say I am?
If 50 people know guy, there will be 50 different guys.
If 50 people see guy, each will receive a different light on the retina.
In the relationships and reactions, everyone diverges again.
Now, who do you say that I am?

Soulchat with Ruach
Guyeaux– What is this gift? I hardly know where to place it. It draws me and yet at times I want to run away from it.
Ruach– Do you not ask for it?
Guyeaux – Yes, my constant prayer.
Ruach-Seems you no longer feel the beauty of I am?
Guyeaux – I do. But seeking drives me five steps deeper and it is sometimes further than others are willing to go. Kinda heavy sometimes.
Ruach – Can’t help it if it’s heavy, You have a big hole to fill so I fill it.
Guyeaux – Skip the humor, please.
Ruach – My Spirit is your merit and lives in you. Honor it and the Beloved completes you.
Guyeaux – Yes
Ruach – So, what’s the problem?
Guyeaux – Seems like many.
Ruach – Listen, you are being held this very moment. Be courageous, be surprised, and be amazed.

Who is deprived of justice, you ask?
Go South! …no dead ears there.
There you will find living water
Enter Grace and Rejoice!

Not as much
Boy feels loved, not as much.
Teen gets attention, not as much.
Young man experiences world, little too much.
Old man naive, not as much.
The following thought came to me: “I’ve never sold my soul but it seems I’ve often had it rented out.”
I have been devoted to many things. Some good and because of my ignorance, some not.
Too often, I have allowed my devotion to my thinking, beliefs, and practices blind me toward false idols. This includes a “guilt by association” in both secular and religious institutions.
These days, my trust is in God Alone. And I express love, commitment, and service toward mind, body, soul, conscience, family, and neighbor.
And how this is expressed in each moment, is hopefully life-giving and in accordance with the Indwelling Spirit of God. I still have a long way to grow.

Drop Stone
First obligation of the seven is to restore justice.
Some stand tall, others carry stones.
Blood is drawn
Now truth be told.

Note: The poetic reflection above was based on Acts 6, 7, 8)
(Acts 6:1, 8) In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Grecian Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom.
Now Stephen (one of the seven), a man full of God’s grace and power, did great wonders and miraculous signs among the people. Opposition arose, however, from members of the Synagogue of the Freedmen (as it was called)—Jews of Cyrene and Alexandria as well as the provinces of Cilicia and Asia.
(Acts 7:54-59) When they (Freedmen) heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him. But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God.
“Look,” he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” At this they covered their ears and, yelling at the top of their voices, they all rushed at him, dragged him out of the city and began to stone him.
While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Then he fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he fell asleep.
(Acts 8:1) And Saul was there, giving approval to his death.

By the Way
Civilization interrupts silence.
Goings-on unrelated to my NOW.
Back and forth, in and out.
Sometimes my doing, sometimes others.
No escaping a single soul.

Man and his Hat
Some say I favor Mom’s side
Others say, Dad
The hat gives it away
Don’t you think?

Sitting sacred, the bowl sings.
At edge of no thing, I find my center.
Habbakuk! catch and return to the unknowing clarity.
Back into the cold, again lost in thought.
Habbakuk! catch and return
Back and forth, back and forth.
Sitting sacred, the bowl sings.

Morning Joe
My first desire is to grab and fill you.
The white that holds my black
You are my waking, …my first high.

Morning Prayer
I know not to lift my soul
So I sit in silence and wait
Distracted by floating images, one by one.
Not knowing where they come, or why.
I catch my head sinking and return to you, my Beloved.
If for only a moment to share breath.

Night Prayer
No longer chasing mysteries.
For the morning bird was grace aplenty.
I return to silence,
distracted by floating images, one by one.
I am sinking
I lift my head and return to you, my Beloved.
If only to share bread for sleep.

Arrow of Vengeance
From my quiver of pain, an arrow recoiled.
I aim with vengeance, not mine.
Only to be foiled, again.

A Conversation with Redmen
guyeaux: Where is your spirit old man,… where has your life gone?
redmen: Don’t you see? Do not my eyes tell you something?
guyeaux: They tell me a lot. They are empty and dark, like windows into the netherworld. So tell me, about the good you have done for others…
redmen: Well maybe some good, …would I have made it this far in life if somebody did not think that I could do them some good?
guyeaux: Maybe so, but some people rise by harming people to advantage themselves.
redmen: Yes, it goes both ways, so does it really matter? Power and pride are for the taking, and once I got it there was no way of letting it go.
guyeaux: Wouldn’t truth and justice be so much easier? Besides, isn’t that your calling?
redmen: Depends on whose got your ear. Don’t we have a fallen nature too?
guyeaux: How do you like wearing all those fine garments? I can at least say they hide your belly well.
redmen: Yes, that is one of the benefits and of course it feels good to my skin
guyeaux: Even now?
redmen: Well, not so much anymore, but it is still impressive. It got you to stop and gawk, didn’t it?
guyeaux: Yes, but I have to say that you no longer seem like such a big man.
redmen: Now you know, vanities of vanities, after all!

How to sweep the front porch
Step 1 – You gotta want to: The front porch is always in need, if not from the june bugs under the night lights, or the mocking bird continuously trying to build its nest on top of the corner column, or the frogs and lizards hiding behind the shutters always dropping their business.
So when I can’t stand it any more – its time, … I got the “want to.”
Step 2 – Grab tool: Many choices here. Maybe it’s the simple broom or the air blower. And if really in the mood – the pressure washer.
Step 3 – The doing: The “doing” is real life. No more thinking about it. Time for the rubber to meet the road or rather the bristles meet the bricks.
Step 4 – Enjoy: Who doesn’t enjoy seeing a project finished – All clean and taking a moment to stroke the ego admitting that I am not lazy – just a procrastinator.
Step 5 – Return tool: It’s not much fun returning the tool to its proper place. It is kinda like work – just another job needing a “want to.”