
Who has it together- 
No such animal 
And I really mean animal
That primal instinct
 Feeding the belly
 Satisfying urges
 Following the herd
 To survive

Do you find solace in accepting that none of us truly has it all figured out? Aren’t we all stumbling, guided by our primal instincts, seeking sustenance, rest, and the satisfaction of our urges? We follow the herd as a necessity, sometimes to our detriment, in our quest for survival.

We all do it our own way, 
but if the face looks composed
We are still ego

The facade hides the inferno within us—the battles we fight with our egos, the conflicts between who we are and who we think or want to be. We strive to appear put together, to project an image of confidence and clarity to the world, yet beneath the surface, we grapple with doubts, fears, and uncertainties.

Now tell me
You are confused
And I will meet you
Where you are
I am
The kind who goes through life
Blind, ignorant, and confused
Telling myself otherwise

I know who you are
Why hide? 
You are not less than me 
You are not more than me 

I don't even know your name, 
As if you are a name.

Confusion is not a weakness; it is a testament to our humanity. Admitting our confusion is an act of courage, a step towards understanding ourselves and others more deeply. We navigate life with blind spots and ignorance, but acknowledging our limitations is the first step toward growth and enlightenment.

In a world that often values certainty and decisiveness, embracing confusion can feel like a radical act. It requires humility, vulnerability, and a willingness to embrace the unknown. It’s a reminder that we are all on this journey together, each grappling with our own existential questions, each seeking meaning and purpose in our unique ways.

As I reflect on these words, I am reminded that we do not have it all together, but in our shared confusion, we find solidarity. We are not alone in our struggles, doubts, and fears. We are all navigating the beautiful chaos of life and finding moments of clarity amidst the confusion.

So let us embrace our confusion, let us meet each other where we are, and let us journey together with open hearts and minds. For in the midst of chaos, we may discover the most profound truths about ourselves and the world around us.

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