This year, consider a most profound resolution: to honor oneself and, through grace – heal thyself and others.
A life journey towards absolution is a sacred one, steeped in love.

Inasmuch as there is a biological and cultural determinism in our behaviors, there is also free will. We can choose to honor ourselves, or not. Each has its consequences.
Accepting nothing less than where Wisdom flows deep. Where shame finds its Grace and eyes can see no guilt, victimhood cannot spawn.
The seeker of absolution sets a profound standard for life; accepting nothing less than the profound flow of Wisdom. Here, shame is not condemned but is granted a transformative power through Grace. This Grace turns shame into a higher understanding, a truth untouched by guilt. The resolution emerges a clarity in releasing victimhood.
Chambers of remorse collapsed under their own weight. The sacred release of the soul’s burden to carry, which it never intended
In the second stanza, imagery suggests a futility in forever carrying the weight of remorse but rather its sacred release; a profound letting go of the burdens the soul was never meant to carry.
Be a life-giver and never a destroyer; in the Beloved’s Spirit. A sacred journey in love as we all travel to our end.
In the final stanza, the resolution transforms into a guiding principle for life’s journey; be a life-giver who nurtures and uplifts.
This contrasts with the destructive forces that “destroy life” in our often entangled human existence.
The journey towards absolution is revealed as sacred, steeped in first accepting Divine Love, and choosing to participate. In this Love we become Love.
May we be guided by the compass of love in our shared destiny of traveling toward our end.