The Sacred Heart – Friend

YOU: Hey, do you have a moment? There's something on my mind, and I really need someone to talk to.
A SACRED FRIEND: Of course, I'm here for you. What's going on? You seem a bit uneasy.

YOU: It's just... well, it's a bit personal, and I haven't really shared it with anyone before. But I trust you, and I feel like you have a compassionate heart.
A SACRED FRIEND: I appreciate your trust. You can talk to me about anything. I'm here to listen and support you.

YOU: It's about a struggle I've been dealing with, something that's been bothering me for a while. I feel like I need to get it off my chest.
A SACRED FRIEND: Take your time. I'm here to listen without judgment. Whatever it is, I'm sure we can work through it together.

YOU: Thank you. It's just that I've been feeling overwhelmed with stress lately, and it's affecting my well-being. I didn't know who to turn to, but I knew I could count on you.
A SACRED FRIEND: I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a tough time. It's commendable that you reached out. You don't have to face this alone. Let's talk about it, and we can figure out a way to navigate through these challenges together.

We all need healing, and we all need friends, but who is your sacred heart-friend, the custodian of your vulnerabilities, and guardian of your most profound thoughts and emotions? Who is it that offers you a sanctuary when you feel most threatened?

If you have a sacred heart-friend, you are fortunate. If not, start by being one to another soul in need.

Then there are professional counselors/ religious (of your choosing) who can serve as an open ear to our deepest and darkest.

So, how does one reconcile one’s soul within one’s self, and to the larger community of souls?


Sift hidden relics 
forgotten in guilt and shame
 A double-edged sword 
Knowing only how to cut 
keeping the blood flowing red 

Secrets forgotten 
Hidden to all but one’s soul 
Awaiting the light 
to open its chambers wide 
for the compassionate ear 

In darkness revealed 
a tender light wipes away 
burdens too heavy 
Accepting one’s dark and light
 a sacred act of courage.

Ps. Some who read these essays are people I know. Some I do not. I am thankful to each of you for listening and thinking about what I share with the world.

2 thoughts on “The Sacred Heart – Friend”

  1. Hi, Guy! I read all of your postings even if I don’t comment and you remind me of how important it is that we recognize the connection and support we can give and receive just by asking. Your art is inspiring. Barbara

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