Can you recall a specific instance in your life when you faced a choice between two paths, one that might have brought immediate gratification and another that required more effort but was morally upright?
How did you navigate that decision?
The Apostle Paul, confessed this universal human dilemma, that within each of us resides a deep-seated struggle.
“but I am carnal,… I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.”
St. Paul, Romans 7:14
It should seem obvious that at our biological core, we are guided by primal instincts that have evolved over countless generations:
- Survival
- Reproduction and Family
- Social
- Aggression and Defense
- Curiosity and Exploration
- Dominance and Competition
Biological instincts are not inherently harmful, but without nurturing or striving for improvement, we harm ourselves and others.
Yet, we are not destined to act as Adam and Eve. The primal Love that created the cosmos is also present in our DNA.
Trench Warfare
That little devil
whispers, be happy my way
Angel mutters no
Instead, my way, the high road
They battle on to no end
Men and women both
act from deep primal urges
There’s no escaping
the battlefield our souls play
Until shadows meet the light
At day's end, lay not
afraid nor burden heavy
If not, sit in the
fallow field bidding its time
Nourishing in its silence
Dear friends, I've long considered the meaning of the Genesis story as a story of our lost individual and collective identity in relation to the Love which created the cosmos. Personal pride and envy is the underlying root in Adam and Eve wanting to be like God. Then, once they acted they feel as though they must hide in shame. When God talks, Adam and Eve blame each other - rather than (first) looking inside themselves. Ultimately, they are forced out of Eden. Our return to "thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven - is a life long struggle between carnal and divine instincts which are both gifted by the Creator through our existence. This is the spiritual journey. My sense of human identity fits within the incarnational theology of Jesus the Christ; both human and divine. It is often heard that Jesus the Christ is showing us the way. This spiritual practice of first "looking inward" is like shining a light into the corners of my mind, revealing patterns and perspectives about myself. Often perspectives I'd rather ignore and forget. It also helps me better understand, accept, and love myself -exactly as I am. Which is not to say, I do not need to grow. For each morning I am to renew, who I am, what I am supposed to be, and where I am to find joy. Then, only then - can I give it away. I encourage you to give this practice a try, even if it's just for a few minutes each day. I believe you'll find, as I have, that it's a simple yet powerful tool for cultivating mindfulness and living with intention to love above all. Be the change you seek. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, so feel free to add a comment. I'm eager to know how it impacts your life. Wishing you a day filled with mindfulness and purpose.
Most of the things in my life I regret were those actions taken in my younger years where carnal/devil won out over the enlightened/angel of my conscience.
More harm could not have been done to those closest to me in those times of selfishness. It took years for me to overcome the mistrust and the self-shame.
My older adult years have been living in a higher vibration, an elevated understanding of how I wish to live my life. How I engage with those around me. And earning trust in all connections.
When I think back on my younger foolish choices, I say to myself “I wonder what part of my brain was not working.” To love oneself even in its foolishness, is a marker of an ever-maturing, loving, and giving spirit.
Hi, Guy — it has been a minute or two since I corresponded with you 🙂 One understanding that I have of Adam and Eve and what Jesus was saying is that we are already God — we all have a Divine indwelling and need to look no further than the Divine knowledge that God has already provided within us. God is not “out there” anywhere — there is no “tree of knowledge” and nobody has the answers for us. If we simply “be still and know” God will speak to us. The message may come in the form of words from another, the breeze of wind, the rising of wisdom within us, a dream in the night, a certain look from the bird in a tree, but the knowing is born within us as the Divine has made it accessible. Blessings and light to you.
So good to hear from you. I do miss our mutual sharing of mind and spirit. In response to your comments: yes, yes, yes. Encountering the divine within, …