“La vie trouve son chemin”

Translated: “Life finds its way”

The above image was taken on a recent retreat at St. Benedict Abbey. I was with a group of 20 retreatants being led on a walking tour of the back property. When I noticed the above scene, I stopped to gaze in utter amazement. Everyone else kept walking.

Underlying this scene is a testament to both human (natural) and divine (supernatural). I wondered who was the last person to open this gate and why. And why, for however many years, it no longer needed to be closed. This inanimate, man-made object expired its functional purpose as a gate. And yet a simple tree without apparent mind or spirit did not stop growing, maturing, and fulfilling its God-given purpose?

And if it be that way for a simple tree, how much more should it be for a child of the Beloved?

ps. Does this simple image conjure thought in your mind or spirit of divine mystery and our (human) interaction upon it? If so, consider writing and sharing a comment to this blog.

What follows (below) are two artistic images and a spiritual reflection of my dependence and gratitude to my Beloved. It is keyed by two inspirations that came to me late last year; “Freedom” and “Wait.” In each, I believe, there is a “gift” of new life to explore and discover.


In the morning, when I rise, …

I know not how to lift my soul to you.

So I sit in silence and wait, distracted by floating images. One by one not knowing where they come, or why. I catch myself sinking and shoulders tense. So, I lift my head and return to you my Beloved, if only for a moment.

You’ve shared breath for this day.


My search is over

Time to quit chasing mysteries that cannot be solved. Listening to the morningbird, was grace aplenty.

I return to sit once again in silence, distracted by floating images one by one. I catch myself sinking and my shoulders tense. So, I lift my head and return to you my Beloved, if only for a moment.

You’ve shared bread for this night.

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